Entrepreneurship isn’t about being busy. It isn’t about more money, more connections or more opportunities.
Entrepreneurship is about freedom, flexibility and control. It’s about doing what you love and making a living doing it. It’s about designing the lifestyle you want and creating a business that fits into it.
Yet, many photographers do the opposite.
Many photographers structure their life around their business. They put their clients first; sometimes even before their own family. Many photographers are a slave to their business and can’t let go, can’t turn it off and can’t unplug.
How about you? Do you ever feel this way? Is that really what you want?
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Or … would you like to do more of the things you love to do? Would you like to spend more time with the people you want to spend time with? Would you like to be the best person you can be?
If so, then let’s redefine your relationship with time. Let’s redefine how and where you chose to invest your attention. Let’s redefine your priorities. Let’s redefine your business. Let’s redefine busy.
This article is the first instalment in a new series, called Redefine Busy: The Movement. In it, you’ll learn how to gain control of your business, get your life back and take ownership of your time.
Your old friend
Pretend you haven’t seen a friend in a long time (do you really need to pretend?).
Let’s say it’s been 6 months. You run into him at the grocery store, randomly. He looks at you and says “Oh, hey! Long time, no see! How are things going?”
What’s your answer? What are the words you say to him?
If you’re like most entrepreneurs (and photographers), your answer is likely something to the extent of “Oh, good! I’ve been so busy.”
Am I right?
Maybe you even say it in a hurried tone. Listening to him with only one ear and a quarter of your attention, as you think about what groceries you still need to get, while looking for the shortest checkout line. After-all, you’re in a rush. You have lots to do. You’re busy. You’ve got to get going. No time to catch up. Can’t stay and chit-chat. Can’t slow down.
… Take a breath
Why do we use busy as an excuse?
Why do we glorify it, and wear it as a badge of honour? Why do we use it as a means of justification or comparison? Why do we always default to saying “I’m busy” as if to signify our importance or worth?
Look – there’s no question, I’ll bet you are busy, as in you “have lots to do”. I’m not arguing that at all, but what I’m suggesting is that you need to think differently about what “busy” means, and how you project it. I’m suggesting that you can run a successful photography business and not be constantly overwhelmed, overworked and burnt out.
That’s why I’m starting this series, Redefine Busy: The Movement.
Redefine busy, re-gain control and take ownership over your life and business.
I believe when most say that they’re “busy,” it really just means that they don’t have control and don’t take ownership of their own time.
My hope is that together, through this series, you can redefine busy, re-gain control and take ownership over your life and business.
Let’s do it. Together.
I’ll admit, this process is therapeutic for me.
I too am a recovering busy-addict. In creating this system and writing this series, I am redefining busy for myself. I’m going through this transformation with you.
Together, you and I are going to work this out.
We’re going to start a movement. We’re going to stand for the anti-busy. We’re going to get control, learn how to maintain balance and take ownership of our lives and businesses.
I want you to be successful in all areas of your life; as an entrepreneur and as a human being. Too often we forget about that second part. I want you to be successful as a Dad, as a husband and as a son. I want you to be a successful Mother, wife, and daughter. I want you to be successful as a friend and as a colleague.
Let’s do it together. Will you join me?
Will you be an advocate for change?
If you’re on board, share this article.
Share it with at least one friend who you also think may benefit from redefining busy. If you’re brave, share it with your entire social network. Declare that you are committed to a change and be an advocate for inspiring others to do the same.
Next week at this time, I’ll be sharing the next article, and the 1st step in Redefine Busy: the Movement. See you then!